From Dr. Gregory Smith, MD, MPH Harvard University 1984
Is there nothing but bone left in your joints?
Are your joints in excruciating pain?
Do you hear clicking, grinding or popping when you move your joints?
Is the pain so bad you're considering injections, dangerous drugs, or even a joint replacement?
If so, I beg you to stop and read this entire letter.
I was just like you not that long ago. I was suffering.
The pain was so bad I could barely move.
The mornings were the worst, getting out of bed was agony.
It took hours for me to feel like I could move around without limping, grunting, and groaning.
I was starting to use a cane the pain was so bad, and I'm only 65!
I was desperate for a solution - so I scheduled a double knee replacement.
But before I went under the knife, a miracle happened.
An old friend showed me a simple but delicious recipe that rescued my joints, saved me from surgery, and spared me months of rehab.
Now I'm walking for miles at a time without pain. I can even play tennis and golf again.
What do I owe this miracle to? Well it all started on...